You’re working all day, out running errands, or spending time with your family and loved ones. How about slowing down to spend some quality time with the one who is always there for you: your dog! Take the chance to hang out with your pup on Doggy Date Night on February 3.
People have kept dogs as pets for 12,000 years, and with good reason! They are steadfast companions and there are enough types (more than 150 breeds!) out there for everyone. Dogs can live for as many as 15 years, making them a significant part of their owner’s life. For years, scientists have studied the special connection between dogs and humans, consistently finding that dogs provide social and emotional benefits for their owner, and the bond promotes a positive well-being for both the owner and the dog.
They don’t call them man’s best friend for nothing: dogs are loyal, protective, and always excited to see you! On this February 3, spend a little extra time with your dog: play games like fetch or Frisbee, or go on a nice long hike! Go beyond the standard walks and couch snuggles and make an event out of it to make your pooch feel special!
1. Hit the town
First, head to the park for a big game of fetch and some wide open spaces. Take a couple of selfies of you and the pup to commemorate the occasion. After you are worn out from playing, find a dog-friendly patio at a restaurant for some dinner. Then, for dessert, take your dog to a local bakery just for them. They’ll be in heaven over all the cakes, treats, and bones for their choosing. Make sure to post your pictures and use the event’s hashtag on Twitter: #DoggyDateNight.
2. Check out some canine art
The American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog in St. Louis, MO holds the largest collection dog-related art in the country. Take a trip to check out some of the pieces, including a permanent collection of All-Star Dogs and dogs of war. They also host a “Guest Dog of the Week” exhibit, in which dogs and their owners are on hand to meet with museum patrons. There’s even a doggy bakery that caters!
3. Have a spa day
Primping and pampering are not just for people! Celebrate Doggy Date Night with a little indulgence for you and your pooch. Dip your hands in moisturizing lotion, and apply some shea butter to your dog’s paws and nose! Then try out all the spa products designed just for dogs: facial scrubs, perfume, and even nail polish!
A. Dogs are good for us
The benefits of having a dog reach far and wide. They can be good for your mind, body, and spirit! In fact, research has shown that spending just 15 minutes playing with your pup can help you feel more relaxed. It also releases serotonin, improving your mood! Research has also shown lower levels of blood pressure and cholesterol in dog owners. And, they’ve gotta walk, so you do, too! Having a dog helps owners stay active and get outside.
B. Dogs understand you on a deep level
Part puppy-intuition, part their incredible sense of smell, dogs can pick up on how you are feeling, making them sensitive to your needs. Dogs can smell 40-50 times more than humans, which enables them to identify the changing body chemistries of people who are sick, stressed, or even pregnant. In many cases, dogs have been known to recognize cancer or cases of diabetes in their owners.
C. They are fascinating creatures
They come in all shapes and sizes (some as small as two pounds!), and are descendants of wolves! They have hearing abilities that are ten times more accurate than the average person. They can be trained as service animals for the visually-impaired or those with physical disabilities, and are even used as sources of comfort for individuals with social anxieties. America, the top favorite dog breeds are Labradors, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds.