No matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the day, our pets always make the world a little brighter. Regardless to how tough things may seem, pets eagerly provide comfort, sympathy, and unquestioned understanding when we most need it. This May 1-7, celebrate National Pet Week by recognizing our fun loving family members who give us everything, asking only for a smile in return…and maybe an occasional treat.
1. Get outside
One of the greatest treats pets hope for is simply to get “out and about.” Take some time out of your busy schedule and enjoy the outdoors with your close friend who will be more than happy to lead the way.
2. Give a gift
Our pets may differ from us in many ways, but this is one thing we can all agree on – everyone loves presents. So treat your “hard working” friend with a little surprise for always being there for you.
3. Party with friends
Who doesn’t like a good party? Get together with your two-legged friends, invite them to bring along their four-legged counterparts, and enjoy a beautiful spring day as you all toss your cares aside.
A. It reminds us of the “ones we’ve raised”
On the surface, the success of our pets is based entirely on how we care for them. In the end, how they behave, interact, and thrive is dependant on how we raise them, and it makes us proud.
B. They’re the best listeners in the world
It’s human nature, when told something, to respond and ask questions. Really though, sometimes we don’t want the answers to our most difficult questions right then and there. Sometimes, we just want someone to listen.
C. They don’t judge, about anything, ever
While they may live among us, pets don’t truly live in the same world. They don’t care about wealth, social status, job titles, or even looks. Pets are the most accepting beings on Earth.