It may be a dog eat dog kind of world out there, which can force you to work like a dog even during the dog days of summer. Okay, that’s enough dog idioms in one sentence. Inspired by the strong work ethic of canines, especially service dogs, Work Like a Dog Day is meant to honor people who put in that extra bit of hard work. Celebrated on August 5, the day is an opportunity to appreciate the hard workers around you (or rant about the unfairness of the capitalist system and life, in general). Whatever your sentiments are about the day, we have got some fun ideas to observe this unusual holiday.
1. Put in Some Extra Hours Toward Your Goal
Your boss might not notice you putting in extra effort at work but that shouldn’t stop you from working hard. Be inspired by the day and work a little extra towards your personal goals.
2. Remember you local law enforcement
Police officers are often overworked. They toil night and day to maintain law and order. Take this opportunity to recognize their hard work and bring them gifts. Homemade cookies or doughnuts are food ideas.
3. Show Some Ingenuity
Since you are a human, you have an advantage over other animals: your developed brain. If you have been working like a dog for a long time, be inspired by the day and come up with a creative solution that reduces your effort. After all, every invention in history was born out of necessity.
A. It Celebrates Perseverance
In a world dominated by get-rich-quick schemes, it is important to remember that most times, success comes after you have paid your dues (unless you are Kylie Jenner).
B. It Makes You Realize the Word ‘Dogged’ Comes From Dog
Seriously, while we were compiling this piece, it dawned upon us: ‘dogged’ comes from dog and literally refers to dog-like qualities, such as persistence, determination, and grit.
C. It Makes You Realize The Ingenuity of Humans
We hated walking long distances so we invented the wheel. We hated making things by hand so we invented industrial machines. Human history is full of examples where our brain has made onerous tasks easier, so fewer people have to work like a dog.